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samedi 8 décembre 2007

Mobile coupons

Mobile coupons seem to be the latest marketing trend. Don't agree? Read this. Businesses can send text messages to the mobile phones of the people in their target database. Generally, most of these messages seem to be plain SMS messages alongwith a unique CouponID to identify and track that particular coupon. But, some companies like Gavitech (link below) boast a special 2D bar code sort of thing which is sent to the mobile phone alongwith the usual coupon description text. When the coupon needs to be redeemed, unlike the earlier case, where the user shows the couponID, here the user shows the 2D bar code infront of a special reader which automatically scans the picture direct off the LCD screen of the mobile phone, verifies it and then quickly prints a paper coupon. Read more about the Gavitech EXIO solution here - EXIO - The complete solution for reading and processing codes from mobile phone displays. Just before you think this is not big deal, take a look below at an impressive list of mobile coupon technology companies.
3United Active Media Airtel Aura Digital Communications Convergelabs CouponZap Enpocket Flytxt M Channel Gamut Gavitec M-bar-go Mobile2Win Mobile365 Mobiqa MobileReact MobilRelay mobiSign Moffers Mozat mQube MyThum Interactive NetInformer PlusOne Regisoft Redeemit Smart SwiftPass Texting Now Vivotech XSmart(German) XSmart(English) The complete list with hyperlinks can be found @ The Pondering Primate: Mobile Coupons

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Other :
  • creation de site internet mobile
  • blog mobile marketing
  • mobile marketing
  • creation de site internet mobile
  • Wap Buider
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